The Ripples Effect- How Google Plus Ripples Can Boost Your SEO Efforts?

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after more than two years after its initial launch in 2011, Google+ Ripples are
yet to make a big impact. Many internet marketers must be hearing about
ripples effect for the first time.
me make you understand what Google Plus ripples are and how you can utilize it
to boost your marketing efforts.
What are Google+ Ripples?
you share any post on Google+, by default Google starts measuring the activity
your shared posts initiates. These public shares of your originally shared
post are shown in the form of an interactive graph known as “Google
Plus Ripples”. In simple words, Ripples enable you to measure your
level of engagement in Google Plus. With it you can see the people who
have publicly shared your originally shared post and also the stats on how a
post or URL was shared.

As an example, have a look at the below post by Joshua Berg that resulted in 92 public shares and created ripples. The visual graph clearly shows, how a post received popularity and who were the top influencers. 

Additionally, Google also displays stats on the top influencers, languages and reshares over time.

Why Google+ Ripples are
Important for SEO?
are a great way to judge your engagement level. Social sharing is a phenomenon
which initiates more shares and engagement.  If you are unable to increase shares then you
are losing somewhere. Google counts “engagement” as a 
factor and ripples is the best option to measure this. Although ripples can
only enable you to judge your level on engagement in Google Plus only, but
considering the fact that Google+ might be used by Google to determine words,
agents and semantic relationship, having the ripples effect for your shared
posts can indirectly benefit your 
ranking on Google.
are the 3 metrics shown by Google:

People who have shared the post and the comments they have made.

The timeline of the shares the post received. 

Stats on how the post was shared and native language breakdown
where the link was shared.
are some key takeaways:
Posts that have more comments and re-shares have a high ripple score.
Ripples influence the engagement score for any shared URL on Google Plus.
Popular influencers can be identified on the basis of Ripples they generate.
If your site URL creates ripples and popular influencers share your site’s URL
then those are great signals for Google to understand that the content of
your site is of high quality.

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