How To Find And Use The Best Keywords For Amazon PPC

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Amazon is the biggest online marketplace in the world with more than 5 million sellers globally. Therefore, in order to stand out from the competition and to make your Amazon PPC campaign profitable you need to use the right keywords. 

But, before you start looking for keywords, it is important to understand the industry and category you’re selling in. You also need to analyze the search terms your target audience uses, in order to get the most of your PPC campaign. 

Figuring out converting keywords and avoiding the bad ones will not only help you increase your conversion rate, but it will also help you lower your ACoS (advertising cost of sale). 

Before we get into the ways to find keywords, let’s have a look at what are the different types of keywords. 

Exact Match Keywords

The specific keywords you want yourself to be found for are referred to as exact match keywords. For example, if you bid on exact match “power bank”, you will only appear for “power bank” or “power banks”. 

Phrase Match Keywords

You will be found for search terms that have your keywords in them. For example, if you bid on phrase match “power bank”, you will also appear for “Xiaomi power bank” or “Syska power bank”. 

Broad Match Keywords

You will be found for all the synonyms of your search terms. For example, if you bid on broad match “earphones”, you will also be found for “headphones” or “headsets”. 

Long-tail Keywords

All the keyword phrases that have more than 3 words are referred to as long-tail keywords. Long-tail keywords are basically a combination of keywords. For example, there could be a lot of variations of the keyword “shoe” such as “casual shoes” or “formal shoes” or “court shoes”. 

Types Of Ads On Amazon

There are basically three types of ads on Amazon: headline, sponsored products, and product display ads. 

Headline: This is the first thing shoppers see whenever searching for products on Amazon. The products appearing on the top are often accompanied by an ad copy. 

Sponsored Product: These products appear above the organic search results. 

Product Display: These ads appear on relevant pages that are chosen by the seller. 

Automatic Versus Manual Campaigns

When running a PPC ad campaign, you have the option to choose between automatic and manual campaigns. 

When you choose automatic campaigns, you only need to select the ad budget and duration and Amazon automatically finds relevant keywords depending on your product’s category. However, it relies on your product’s description to discover keywords. 

In manual campaigns, you need to pick the keywords you want to bid on. You have the option to choose a broad, phrase, and exact match keywords. 

Use Automatic And Manual Campaigns Together To Find The Best Keywords

Follow the RPSB (Research-Peel-Stick-Block) method to get the most data for the least amount of money. 

  • Research – Create an auto campaign
  • Peel – Figure out the keywords that are performing well 
  • Stick – Use those well-performing keywords and place them in a manual campaign
  • Block – Add that search term to a negative exact match in the original research campaign

1 – Creating An Auto Campaign For Research

With the help of an auto campaign, you can easily find the search terms that convert. However, you must wait up to 48 hours to get accurate metrics such as cost-per-click, conversion rates, ACoS, clicks, and impressions. 

Remember, you are running the auto campaign just for research purpose, hence, it is advisable to set a lower daily budget and run the campaign at least for 5-7 days to get a detailed report. 

Use targeting type and product name when naming your campaign. This will help you find the information quickly. You can use the formula “Targeting Type – Product – Target ACoS” when naming a campaign. 

For example, if you want to find well-performing keywords for an MI power bank and if you want to lower your ACoS by 20%, you can name the auto campaign as AUTO – MI Powerbank – 20%. 

Also, it’s better to group product types together whenever creating an ad group. This way you can get the maximum information about the campaign’s performance without wasting any of your time. 

2 – Figuring Out Winning Search Terms

Once you have started the auto campaign, its time to analyze the report to find out the search terms that have converted. In order to find out the search terms that have converted, click on advertising under your seller central account and select the campaign manager. 

Select Advertising reports and then click on the Search Terms Report, specify the date range, and the data unit and then click on Create Report. You can access the data as soon as the report is available for download. 

Look for every search term that brings around 8-10% of conversions as the average conversion rate on Amazon is 9.47% and leave out the terms that don’t bring any conversions. 

This way, you’ll have an idea about which search terms to bid for and for how much. Bid a higher amount for your winning search terms while a lower amount for search terms that bring only a couple of conversions. 

3 – Integrate Winning Search Terms Into A Manual Campaign

Once you have got a list of keywords, its time to create a manual campaign. Stick with the match terms that brought conversions in the manual campaign and increase the daily budget. In fact, the best way to bid is by gradually increasing the bid by a few cents daily. 

Make sure that you change the match type to exact. Since low converting keywords will end up with lower bids it will lower your ACoS while high converting keywords will maximize your revenue. 

4 – Block These Winning Search Terms From Triggering Your Automatic Campaign

If your winning search terms appear in both the manual and automatic campaigns, it will defeat the purpose of the RPSB method. Therefore, it is important to block these winning search terms on your automatic search campaign. 

Open the research ad group (automatic campaign), go to negative keywords, enter the high-converting keywords and select the “Negative Exact” in the research ad group. 

Other Ways To Find Keywords For Amazon PPC

You can use Amazon keyword search tools such as Sellarapp or Sonar to increase your Amazon product visibility. These tools can help you optimize your product listing for Amazon’s search engine by helping you select the right keywords. 

Things To Remember While Using Keywords On Amazon

There are certain rules you need to follow while using keywords for your PPC campaigns such as:

You shouldn’t duplicate keywords/phrases that you have already used in other areas of the listing such as product descriptions or title
Never use different variations of the same keyword via spacing or capitalization such as Power Banks vs power banks or powerbanks. 

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101 Free Resources for Learning Adwords

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