Google Not Ready to Drop Backlink Factor from Ranking Algorithm

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Google is yet not ready to drop backlink factor from its core search algorithm. Matt Cutts says that Google had run several internal experiments excluding backlink as a relevancy factor for judging resource relevancy but the result quality was much much worse. Yipee for backlinks! Google will still continue to count backlinks as one of the most important metrics for judging the importance of a web page.

Google Won’t Exclude Backlink as a Ranking Factor at Least for Now!

Have a look at this video:

Here is a transcription of the video:

“We don’t have a version like that exposed to the public but we have run experiments run that internally and the quality looks much much worse. It turns out backlinks, even though there is some noise and  is certainly a lot of spam, on most part, there is still really really big win in terms of quality for search results. So, we have played around with the idea of turning off backlink relevancy and at least for now, backlink relevancy still really helps to ensure that we return the most relevant set of search results. “

Also See:

Content Relevancy or Backlinks?

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