Top Benefits of Blogging

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Blogging has several benefits. One of the biggest of them being – it assists in conversions. 

Blogging has become an integral part of every business’s marketing strategy because it offers tons of benefits to businesses and marketers. 

Irrespective of the industry or the company size, everyone is stressing over the benefits of blogging.

Marketers love blogging because content marketing is 62% cheaper than traditional marketing and generates about three times as many leads. 

Let’s explore the various advantages of blogging: 

1 – Demonstrate Expertise In The Industry (One of The Biggest Benefits of Blogging)

Blogging is an excellent way to build your own community and reach your target audience. Around 74% of customers are doing their grocery shopping online and by 2040, 95% of purchases will be done using ecommerce. You can write your blogs in a way that reflects your personality and share them on social media to reach more people. 

Maintaining a blog is important for ecommerce businesses especially when there is a surge in online shopping. You can write your blogs in a way that reflects your personality and share them on social media to reach more people. 

This will help you build a deeper connection with your prospects and stand out from your competitors. Successful companies blog regularly to build trust and confidence in their brand and to demonstrate their authority as an industry leader. 

Lulu, an online self-publishing book and ebook company, surely knows how to leverage blogging to demonstrate expertise in the industry. Lulu offers valuable information to its audience related to self-publishing. This has helped them become the go-to point for knowledge.  

2 – Achieve Higher Rankings In The Search Engine

Google loves fresh content, and blogging is the best way to keep your website updated. By using short-tail and long-tail keywords, you get an opportunity to show up on the first page of the search results for relevant search terms. 

Also, blogging enables you to link the most important pages of your website. This will help you increase the average time spent on your site and reduce the bounce rate, thereby boosting your site’s position. 

Tresnic Media, a digital marketing agency, published 50 blog posts in five weeks. Apart from an increase in website traffic, they saw an increase in the number of keywords that the site was ranking for increased continuously. Trensic Media climbed the search rankings for 496 different keywords (470 more than what they were outranking for previously). 

3 – Increase High-Quality Organic Traffic

When Google presents your website at the top of the search results for relevant search queries, people are more likely to click on it. In fact, the first result on Google results has an average CTR of 31.7%

Besides, a blog gives people a reason to visit your site regularly. Blogging also gives you content for your social media. You can share your blogs on social media or convert it into infographics to drive new visitors to your website via social channels. 

Blogging helped Express Writers, a content writing agency, generate over 90,000 visitors per month. They saw a surge in website traffic when they prioritized quality over quantity. 

4 – Generate Leads

Now that you’ve traffic coming to your site through your blog, you get an opportunity to convert them. As it takes time to rank on the top of search results, you can continue to generate leads via a blog post even after months of publishing it. 

You can either ask your website visitors to subscribe to your blog posts or offer free ebooks, whitepapers, fact sheets, or any other content asset for which someone would be willing to share their information. 

You can also add relevant calls-to-action in every blog to increase the chances of capturing leads. 

Pagezii, a digital marketing app, published three blogs per week. Since then, they saw an increase in blog subscribers by 4,300%, and visit-to-lead conversions via organic search by 259%. 

5 – Nurture and Convert Potential Customers

In the most simple terms, there are three types of user intent (associated with the buying stage):

  • Informational Intent: The awareness stage
  • Commercial Intent: The Consideration stage
  • Transactional Intent: The Decision Stage

By publishing blogs for different search intent, you can easily nurture customers at various stages of the sales funnel. 

One of the best examples of a brand using a blog to nurture and convert potential customers is Hubspot’s Blog. Hubspot creates different content to educate their audience about marketing, sales, customer service, and website. 

6 – Refine Your Writing Skills

When it comes to writing skills, there’s always some room for improvement. Make effective use of copywriting to fine-tune your content.

The only way to refine your writing skills is by writing regularly. The more you write, the better you become at it. 

Most bloggers write regularly and analyze and proofread their writings constantly. You can also ask for feedback from your blog visitors to help you become a better writer. 

7 – Increase Online Presence

For professionals who want to make a career in content writing, blogging can be the best way to do it. Blogging helps you get your name on the Internet and become a published author. 

Blogging will help you get noticed by potential clients (who are looking for someone to handle their company blog), expand your online presence, and even positively promote your brand. 

It also includes guest blogging on other highly established sites that are relevant to your business. 

8 – Generate Revenue

The most common reason people blog is to make money, followed by the interest in the topic. 

There are various ways you can make money from a blog. One of the most common ways is by placing ads on your site. You can sign up on Google Adsense to display ads relevant to your content on your blog. 

Another way bloggers earn from their blog is through affiliate marketing. You add a product’s link (a unique link that tracks your affiliate code) on your content. If a visitor clicks on your unique link and makes a purchase, then you’ll earn a commission (a certain percentage, as mutually decided between you and the advertiser) for it. Moz, a marketing software company, earns around $3.74 million per month via its blog. 

Wrapping Up

Blogging has been around for many decades now. However, it was never as crucial as it is now. Blogging helps businesses in lots of ways, such as boosts online visibility, improves the site’s ranking, increases organic traffic, nurture visitors, and increase sales. 

For professionals, blogging helps them attract clients, refine their marketing skills, and generate revenue. It also assists both businesses and professionals to become a thought leader in their industry. 

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