How To Fix Low Text to HTML Ratio in SEMrush

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Are you looking for a solution to fix the low text to HTML ratio error in SEMrush

SEMrush is an all-in-one marketing tool that offers various tools related to SEO, content marketing, and social media. SEMrush might display the low text to HTML ratio error when you run a site audit. 

When you check the errors in SEMrush, you will find an error with the name “X number of pages has low text-HTML ratio. For a better understanding, see the below image.

In this guide, you will learn what is low text to HTML ratio error in SEMrush and the best solution to fix the issue.

So, let’s get started.

What is The Low Text to HTML Ratio Error in SEMrush?

Every page is written in the HTML language and it gets displayed on your browser. HTML contains both coding and text.

The text-HTML ratio is the comparison of the amount of HTML code and text you have on your site.

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This error is triggered when the text to HTML ratio is 10% or less.

Here is the formula to calculate text to HTML ratio:

Text Size / Total Web Page Size) * 100

Here, the text size is the actual size of the text content on your site and the total web page size is the sum of the text size and HTML code.

Let’s understand it with a simple example, suppose you have a text size of 50kb and an HTML code size of 550kb. In this case, your text to HTML ratio is 8.3% which is under 10%.

On the other hand, if you are able to reduce the HTML code size to 200 to display the same 50kb text content, in this case, your text to HTML ratio is 20% which is better than the previous ratio.

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Best Ways to Fix Low Text to HTML Ratio Error in SEMrush

Here are the best ways to fix the low text to HTML ratio in SEMrush: 

1- Add More Content To The Page

The first method to solve the low text to HTML ratio error in SEMrush is to add more content to the web page. 

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2- Reduce Image Size

You can replace JPG, PNG, and GIF images with SVGs as it helps you reduce image sizes.

Moreover, to optimize images, you can also use multiple image optimization or compression tools like TinyJPG, and TinyPNG. These tools are created to reduce image sizes without losing the quality of your images. Reducing image size can also help you boost site loading speed.

3- Reduce The Number of Images

Before reducing images, check whether you require those images on your page or not. Because some images can be easily replaced by CSS styles. For example, some users use heavy-loaded images to create gradients or solid colors but this can be achieved using different CSS styles.

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4- Use CSS For Animations

It is highly recommended to all webmasters to use CSS3 instead of heavy-loaded JavaScript for transitions and animations. It improves performance as it uses the GPU instead of the CPU for rendering animations and transitions.

Also, before uploading your CSS, you should always make sure to minify it using tools like CSS Minifier.

5- Reduce JavaScript File Size

To resolve low text to HTML ratio errors in SEMrush, you can also reduce the JavaScript file size on your site. 

You should avoid using a large amount of JavaScript framework as it increases both file size and network requests on your site. 

Instead, use only necessary pieces from the JavaScript framework.

You can reduce your code by only adding code snippets for your targeted browsers and devices, and avoid adding code for unsupported devices and browsers.

Moreover, you can also avoid using jQuery because it adds unnecessary code and increases your file size. Instead, convert jQuery into pure JavaScript.

6- Optimize Fonts

If your site uses tons of fonts out of the web standard fonts, then you should use Google Fonts. It is a large library of free fonts that anyone can use on their website. Also, instead of using the entire typeface of the font, only use the required characters you need from the font.

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As we know search engines like Google have begun focusing on pages that contain more content. So, having a higher text to HTML ratio can help your page achieve better ranking positions on the SERP as compared to low text to HTML ratio.

Also, having less code can boost website loading speed which boosts your website rankings and user experience. You can use any of the above-mentioned solutions to fix the low text to HTML ratio in SEMrush.

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