Best SEO Content Optimization Tools

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If you are a blogger, a website owner, or a content writer you must understand the importance of Search Engine Optimization (SEO). 

Do you know there are two main ways through which we can attract visitors to your website? These are paid advertising and SEO. 

While paid advertising is done for a short duration and by paying money to different online advertising platforms like Facebook and Google. On the other hand, SEO is done keeping long-term objectives in mind. 

Efforts of SEO indeed take time therefore we must do the right kind of SEO in the beginning. 

Doing SEO is a long process and it takes time and effort. 

Do you know there are many free SEO checker tools available online? And these tools can help you in case you want to optimize your content. 

In this article, we are going to learn about free SEO tools for content optimization in detail. And we hope these tools will help you in your SEO audit and analysis purpose also.

Why Doing SEO Is Important For Any Article?

Before we go into the details of different SEO tools for content optimization let us also understand why doing SEO is important for any article. 

First, we have to understand that when we talk about SEO; they are of three types and these are:

  • On-Page SEO
  • Off-Page SEO and 
  • Technical SEO

On-Page SEO is related to doing SEO as per the guidelines of search engines. It is done within the articles. Off-Page SEO is related to doing SEO outside the website. And Technical SEO is related to the technical part of the website.  

Regarding these, we will study in some other articles. Now, let’s focus on why doing SEO is important for any article. Following are the five main benefits of doing SEO.

  • It improves the overall experience of the visitor 
  • It helps articles/websites to rank better in search results 
  • It helps the website to bring more free traffic 
  • It helps website owners to earn more revenue
  • By doing SEO we can optimize the overall look and feel of the website  

What Should Be The Workflow In Content Creation?

Before you decide to write an article for your blog or website you need to follow the proper content creation process. 

In the beginning, this process may take time to understand. But once you start working on them; they will become part of your daily routine. 

One can follow the below-mentioned steps for creating his/her blog content. 

  • Write an impactful headline for maximum readability 
  • Write down important subheadings related to the topic
  • Do your SEO keyword research 
  • Write the actual content for your blog 
  • Edit your article as much as possible 
  • Publish your article on your blog or website 
  • Optimize your article as per SEO guidelines 
  • Announce your article by using social media, email marketing, etc.  

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You can use the above method for writing any kind of blog article or website. 

If you will follow the above-mentioned method in the right way, then you can get a better ranking in any search results. But I also wanted to disclose that there are more than two hundred SEO guidelines that one has to follow. And since no one knows all of them we have to use only those white hat SEO techniques which we know well.

SEO Content Optimization Tools And Its Benefits

After reading up here you must be thinking about why we need to use any SEO content optimization tools? 

When we use such online tools we can do the following activities easily; as we can – 

  • Create much better blog content
  • One can easily optimize content for search results 
  • It is easy for us to search for important keywords 
  • One can easily analyze competitors 
  • We can know more about important backlinks of competitors 
  • It can also highlight the important issues related to the content

List of SEO Content Optimization Tools

Now that you know the benefits of SEO and the importance of SEO content optimization tools; let’s see some of the best free available tools one by one. 

Remember even today content is the king and if you can optimize them as per SEO guidelines then you will get better results for your website in the long run. 

Below we are sharing the information about six such free SEO content optimization tools.   

1- Ubersuggest

When we talk about writing content for our blog the first thing which comes to our mind is searching for keywords ideas. 

If you can find less competitive but higher CPC keywords then you can not only make good revenue but easily rank your website in search engine results. 

What if I tell you that this process you can easily do by using Ubersuggest. This website is one of the best free SEO tools available on the internet. 

Many people use this website especially to search to generate new keyword ideas. Not only this, you can even use this website for many other SEO-related purposes. 

  • Generating new keyword ideas 
  • Keyword overview 
  • Search volume trend 
  • Information about backlinks and domain score 
  • Content ideas 
  • Website traffic overview 
  • Top ranking pages, etc. 

Related: Ahrefs vs SEMrush vs Ubersuggest: Which is a Better SEO Tool?

Some of the main key features are:

As per our experience, one should try using Ubersuggest for generating new keyword ideas. 

2- Market Muse

If you are looking for a free SEO tool that can optimize your content based on machine learning and automation then Market Muse will be the right choice for you. 

But this website doesn’t help in case you want to increase the uniqueness of your content. This process you have to do by using other SEO checker websites. 

With the help of this website, one can plan, audit, and optimize the content based on the type of enterprise-level business. 

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Now if you are thinking what’s so unique about this website? Then I would want to tell you that it allows users to order content briefs within the platform. 

Therefore, one can use this website to generate ideas for content based on available data. 

3- Topic

One of the most difficult tasks for any new blogger or website owner is how to generate multiple contents for his site. 

We know if our content is not up to the mark it can create a huge gap in the minds of visitors. Therefore, we need to develop content keeping our audience in mind. 

What if I tell you there are free online sites that can help you in selecting ideas for your content creation? 

The topic is one such website which can help you in this matter. 

By using this site anyone can search for different topic ideas for his blog. It makes the research process simple, easy, and faster. 

So, next time if you are facing any difficulty searching for high-quality content then you can use this SEO content optimization site for free. 

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4- Grammarly

I am sure you might have heard or used Grammarly for identifying your grammar mistakes while writing your high-quality content. 

It is a popular online tool and by using this one can easily identify basic mistakes. And as per available online data, more than 20 million around the world use this tool daily while writing their content. 

This tool can easily scan your entire article for grammatical and spelling mistakes. 

And the best part is Grammarly is available for all the major online platforms including iOS app, Android, and even desktop versions (chrome extension). 

Grammarly is even fit while writing content even on Google Docs. And like many SEO tools, there is both free and paid version available.  

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5- Frase

How great it will be if you know what your audiences are searching online on different platforms?

As I write, I would love to know all about this. Because based on that research I can create better high-quality content for my exact audiences. 

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Now, this is what exactly this website does for you. It let you know about the questions which your audiences are searching for online. 

And based on this you can provide the exact content to your audience. 

For this purpose, Frase uses artificial intelligence (AI) technology to automate the content research part. 

In short, it does three important things for you. 

  • It helps us to identify similar questions which your audiences are searching for online 
  • Then it automatically generates short description related to the content by analyzing competitors content & 
  • It also provides scores in comparison to competitors content and then you easily find out the gap between similar contents 

So, in short, you can search for content ideas which your exact audiences are looking for, and based on this you can create better SEO optimized content. 

6- SEMRush Writing Assistant

Those who are familiar with SEO all know about SEMRush and it is extremely popular among content writers, bloggers, and website owners. 

Although there are many modules of SEMRush that can easily help you in content creation and SEO optimization. Yet, one can use “Writing Assistant” for this purpose. This is also known as an “SEO content template”. 

Related: SEMrush Review

This tool is available via the SEMRush app and it is also available in WordPress as a plugin. 

With the help of this content, writers can easily create SEO-friendly articles. Like other content optimization tools, this helps in scanning all the top-ranking pages and recommends you the right keywords and changes. 

Many people like to write their content directly in Google Docs and this is what exactly this tool allows you to do.

Like other SEO content optimization tools, it also provides relevant keywords and one can optimize their content based on the top 10 ranking relevant pages for the chosen keywords and phrases. 

Related: SE Ranking vs. SEMrush

We can also say this is one of the best SEO checkers to start with content optimization. It also gives relevant information about the following: 

  • Words to include 
  • From where we can get the SEO Backlinks
  • Average readability score 
  • Number of words

7- Kazan SEO

Now before we end this article, I wanted to share information about another SEO checker and content optimizer free tool. 

Many people say and believe this is the best free content optimizer tool today. I guess to believe my words you have to try it once itself. 

So, how does this free SEO checker tool help you? 

When you search for any keyword or phrase using this website it gives you the best keywords by going through the top 10 websites in Google search results.  

If you are thinking about how this process can help you in optimizing your content? Then let me tell you that it grabs the top 10 results of any given keyword or phrase and it helps you in finding similar keywords among those top sites.

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By using this method, you will know the exact keywords which you have to add to your content. And therefore, there will be a better chance for your content to rank higher.  

And this tool will not only help you in case of identifying keywords or phrases but even in terms of finding out Natural Language Processing (NLP) and entities. 

NLP is the process used by search engines like Google and Bing to search results more naturally keeping the conversational language of users. 

And when we talk about entities they are considered as a keyword related to a specific person, city, concept, or brand. Many times users don’t directly search for entities but most of the time they are searching to learn about the entities. 


In this article we have talked about why doing SEO is important, types of SEO, what should be the flow of the content. Later we have discussed a few important SEO checkers and content optimization tools in detail. I hope you are eager to try some of them while writing your next article. 

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