XML Sitemaps In SEO

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XML sitemaps are a way to tell search engine crawlers about the new pages that are being added to your site and to facilitate easy indexation of your existing web pages. These sitemaps are created in Extensible Markup Language which is a simple textual data format for presenting information.
XML Sitemaps (Image source:- websiteexpert)

How to create XML sitemaps?

Creating XML sitemaps is easy and does not needs special coding skills. The format is given below:-



As shown above the parts of an XML sitemap is divided into 4 main parts.

<url> –  Every url in sitemap starts with this tag.
<loc> – Place your url here
<changefreq> – How often does your page change. You must specify it here. It can be daily,weekly,monthly etc.
<priority>- What is the priority of the web page with respect to your website.

Importance of XML Sitemaps in SEO

XML sitemaps are important for search engine optimization. It helps in proper indexation of the website pages and achieves better crawlability. 

Online XML sitemap generators

Here you will find a list of useful online XML sitemap generators :-

Also See:-

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