How Video Marketing Improves Website Conversions

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Since consumers have a higher tendency to remember videos they’ve seen in the past, companies use video as a marketing tactic to nurture customers. And that trend doesn’t look like it will be going away anytime soon.

Eyeview has actually found that with keyword optimization in place, brands can boost their conversion rates by over 86% when they add a simple video to their landing page.

Brands that don’t take advantage of the benefits of video marketing are missing out on business opportunities. 

In this article, we will discuss how video marketing improves website conversions.

Your Video Marketing Strategy Impacts Conversion Rates

On average, businesses spend more time on traffic acquisition than they do on optimizing the conversion rate of their landing pages. This is why many companies find that generating new visitors to their landing page doesn’t have as much value unless those visitors turn into actual customers. 

Conversion rate optimization is basically using your data to improve your conversions so that you can increase ROI by as much as 223%. If you have good customer insights, you’ll be able to leverage them along with other valuable information about what your audience finds engaging, enticing and valuable enough to share with others.

Also See: Why Video Content Marketing Is So Powerful

We know what you’re thinking. Do I need a video on my site? Is it going to hurt my conversion rate? Well, according to marketing statistics, 82% of users who don’t own a smartphone still watch videos on their regular computers. 

But how about this question: is your site selling anything? In other words – do you have a commercial agenda? If the answer is yes, then yes, you have an agenda that will be strengthened by video content. Customers are already searching for your business online, so having clear video marketing goals should take care of the rest.

Video Marketing Tips To Follow

1. Set goals

Believe it or not, every marketing strategy has a goal! Make sure you set expectations for things like generating awareness, gathering new leads, retargeting current clients, and so on.

2. Measure video success

If there’s no way of tracking how many people are viewing your videos, you can’t improve it. It’s crucial to have a good understanding on what your audience is doing when they view your video because then you know if you need to change something. This applies just as much to Conversion Rate Optimization as it does to Video Marketing.

3. Make sure you don’t trip up your marketing campaign

Check (and recheck) for obstacles that will prevent your video marketing campaign from achieving its goals. Continuously review what you can do to surmount them. Video marketing statistics also supports the fact that video marketing is the new hot marketing trend for the future.

4. Apply goal-oriented video messaging

You should apply your business goals in your video marketing efforts. While we can’t cover all facets of this topic in this blog post, we do have other helpful blog posts that will let you know if you are maintaining the right focus with all of your marketing messages.

5. Setting a deadline

Setting a deadline for a video marketing effort is essential in order to ensure that the project stays on track and produces predictable outcomes over time. Setting reasonable deadlines helps you avoid wasting resources.

How To Use Video To Improve Conversions?

It’s not about creating videos that will entertain your audience (although it may be part of the recipe). Rather, it is making sure you know what your audience is searching for by monitoring their engagement with conventional promotional content.

With this data, you can manipulate what people are looking for to make sure they find what they want right away, which in turn improves conversion!

Also See: Video Marketing Tips For Small Businesses

When we refer to engagement, we mean the amount of times a visitor stayed on that particular page. As marketers, we can use this as a metric as it shows how much the visitor was interested in the content and if he wanted to read it till the end.

You can now run an A/B test between two video content pieces to know what change will bring more conversions. The best way, however, is to check on your video views stats and your engagement counts constantly.

Video optimization for conversion: Many video marketers choose to use social media as their CRO strategy. Instead of depending on one distribution platform, you should run A/B tests for your videos and try out a few different channels. For example, some brands might find that including videos on product pages works best for them instead of posting them on social media or even on a landing page. You can even test whether or not placing a video on your homepage produces better results than relying on social media only.

Video content drives conversions: Uploading the right content type to the appropriate location, however, can sometimes be trickier than it looks. You could find that depending on your product or brand there is likely only one content type that will perform well in each instance. For example, if you operate an eCommerce website for clothes, long video content might convert better than short-form content because it would give customers time to really explore what’s available in detail.

Video CRO best practices: link building, calls-to-action, follow-ups. Every time you post anything for your visitors to see, it’s an opportunity to engage them in some way. Developing your CRO strategy around this idea is the best way to maximize what you’re able to do with video. When you’re out there posting things about your product or business via blog posts, social media channels and other methods, you have a lot of space to use up – so why not use some of that space to captivate your audience? If your video attracts people initially but lacks something to keep them watching, tell them what they need next by making it easy for them.

We’ve found that including videos in our newsletters generates massive gains. New email subscribers are way more voracious video watchers than newsletter readers. It’s true that people are far more likely to ‘lift the lid’ and watch a video than enter an email address (though you can’t explicitly measure this).


Get to know the customer behind the click. It’s tempting to send sales material indiscriminately, but research demonstrates you can increase conversion rates if you personalize your approach. Just as companies use marketing automation to segment buyers into lists that trigger specific follow-up, they can also use it to vary their digital video ads based on viewers’ behavior. 

People dropping off mid-video may mean you revealed something they weren’t ready for. Give them an out by enticing them with fewer benefits or leaving space for questions. You can segment your audience according to where you think they are in the buying process, and direct them to content according to their concerns about pricing or functionality (or whatever else matters).

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