Top Facebook Plugins for WordPress

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Not a considerable time has passed since the launch of the Facebook. None of the individual could have imagined that this networking website which was opened with the intention to provide a common platform for the friends and peer to interact and stay in touch can turn into a business networking zone. Apart from business, Facebook can even help the WordPress blogs owned by the individuals in gaining popularity. There is no dearth of the Facebook Plugins which can aid in integrating the blog with the Facebook page. To make the readers aware of the glory of such plugins, I have compiled a list of some of the most stunning Facebook Plugins for WordPress that one should not miss!! Have a look:

Best Facebook Plugins for WordPress

Facebook Connect:

Many of the bloggers consider the task of bringing the Facebook on the blog a tedious task. But with the advent of the Facebook Connect plugin, one can easily bring the Facebook to the blog. With FB Connect, one can integrate the blog with Facebook directly.

See more here

Social Locker:

To explain the social locker WordPress plugin, one should imagine a bunch of powerful social buttons with a locker placed in a bottle. Through this plugin the user is provided with the option to lock a particular content on the web page, which can be opened only once the user clicks on any of the social buttons such as Tweet button, FB button, Google+ button etc. This way one can gain more likes, traffic and tweets.

Download Social Locker

WP4FB WordPress FB Plugin

This is one of the coolest of the WordPress FB plugin which aids in making as well as maintaining the FB pages by taking the help of WordPress. This plugin can also aid in controlling the manner in which the content will be viewed by the visitors and even what content will be visible.

Read more here

WP Easy Social Hover

The Easy Social Hover plugin allows the users to create more powerful and engaging images by adding the multiple hover effects with the help of the Social Networking Sgaring button present in it. This way the image can be shared with a great style and flair through the FB share, Pinterest, Twitter, LinkedIn etc.

Purchase Social Hover

Facebook Photos

With this plugin, the users gain a real and fun way to show their FB photos on the blog without any hassle. This plugin saves the users from the fuss which one usually face when uploading the images or the pictures.

Download Facebook Photo Fetcher

Facebook Walleria

The Facebook Walleria is an amazing WordPress plugin through which the users can embed a large number of FB objects to the website. The Facebook graph is used to pull the information in relation to the Albums, Feed, Photos, and Comments in a great style.

Read more here

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Facebook Graph Search Optimization

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