Should You Stop Creating New Content and Instead Focus on Updating Old Ones?

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When we talk about content marketing, the first thing that comes in our mind is creating new content. Several webmasters and business owners have literally wasted tons of money creating content that has generated little to no impressionsIn spite of that, we follow the older tradition and keep on investing on new content simply for the sake of traffic and engagement. Alas, most of the time we fail. 

Isn’t it a better strategy to revamp the old content piece instead of spending your time and money on creating new ones? This may not hold true in many situations like in the case of latest NEWS, you will need to create new stuff often but what in the case of evergreen content that generate the maximum number of backlinks and social shares? Such content never get old and present before you an opportunity to make that content piece stand apart from that of your competitors. So, in the year 2015, where do you wish to spend your time and money on? Creating new ones or revamping the older ones?

I would suggest to go with a 60:40 ratio and use 60% of your resources to create new content but use 40% of your resources to revamp the older content that you are already having in your site. I always prefer to give an example of Wikipedia. How does Wikipedia became so popular and trustworthy because it keeps on updating the older content pieces on a regular basis. 

This is the reason, none of its pieces grow old and they always rank at the top of Google. The pieces are comprehensive but they aren’t created in a single day, they are created after tons of revisions which continue everyday. We can take some mileage from this Wikipedia example and update our older content present on some of our top landing pages. This would be extremely effective not only to the business but for the end user as well. Search engines highly value content that benefits the end user and this strategy of updating the older content might work really well.

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