Top 10 ways to increase traffic to your website

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 Costly website created by spending thousands of dollars is of no use if nobody comes to see it. A website needs traffic to be successful online.There are several ways through which you can increase traffic to your website. These strategies are discussed below:-

Top 10 Strategies to increase traffic 

lots of traffic
Lots of traffic (Image source:- Coreyblake)

1- SEO – The top most strategy of getting good website traffic is through search engine optimization. Seo helps your website to get listed in the major search engines of this world including but not limited to Google, Yahoo, Bing, Baidu, Yandex, Ask etc. The science that works behind seo is the selection of keywords. Important keywords that get traffic and are related to your business are chosen to do seo for your website. Once your site starts ranking for these keywords, your website starts getting massive traffic.

2- Social Media– We cannot take social media lightly specially after Pinterest traffic surpassed the referrals sent by . Promoting your website on several popular social media channels like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Digg, Stubmleupon, Reddit etc. To get good traffic from these sites, you need to opt for a combination of strategies which includes advertisement as well as sharing.

3- Post Free Ads – Advertisement websites do send a lot of traffic especially sites like Craiglist. But you need to plan your strategy smartly. Having your ads sponsored on the sites would help your site get a lot of traffic.

4- Do Video Promotion– Video sharing websites like Youtube and Vimeo get a lot more visits than you can ever imagine. You must create and share videos with a link to your website and promote it on the video sharing websites. Again, having it sponsored would give you massive benefit.

5- Share Podcasts – Similar to video sites, you can create and share Podcasts which would help your website get traffic.

6- Create backlinks – Get backlinks for your website from many sources around the World Wide Web. Every backlink gives you a chance to receive some traffic.

7- Create and share RSS feeds – Create RSS feeds and submit it on a limited quality RSS feed directories. This would help your website to get extra backlinks and increase your site’s visibility on the web. Increased visibility means increased traffic. Use RSS subscription to allow people to subscribe to your website. This will help in sending direct traffic to your website.

8- Create viral posts – Giving out something for free or writing something newsworthy would instantly catch up the attention of the audience and give your site instant traffic.You may also try starting a contest, create free widgets, create E-books  etc.

9- Buy traffic– Sites like hitsafari lots of quality and high targeted web traffic to your site. This method should be used with patience.

10- Target Mobile users– Last but not the least, you need to target Smartphone users. As the number of mobile phone users are increasing, so is the traffic being sent to website from these mobile devices. Getting a mobile version of your site would help in getting mobile traffic to your website.

Also See:- 

How to increase traffic to your website or blog
How to create Facebook ads that generates revenue
Seo secrets
How to do Seo
How to rank in Google
Social media promotions for large corporations
Facebook marketing strategy

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