Seo Search Operators

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The search engines allow searching for specific information
from the immense data that it compiles under the several data centers scattered
around the world.  There are several
search operators that helps search engine optimizers to do their job in a much
easier way.
google seo search operators
Seo Search Operators (Image credit:- littlehandytips)
Site Operator
The site operator helps to find web pages from a particular
Syntax: – Site:
It gives an idea about the total number of pages from the
website that is present on the search engine database.
Variations:- – “Indian travel”
The above command returns results from the domain that do not have the words “Indian travel” present on them.
The above command returns results that contains the words leaving pages from the actual domain.
In a similar fashion, you can use the site operator as per
your needs.
Link Operator
The link operator helps to find the number of backlinks to a
Info Operator
The info operator helps to find information related to any
Cache Operator
The cache operator helps to find the last cache date of the
Allintitle Operator
The allintitle operator helps to fetch search results having
specific words in the title tag.
Syntax: allintitle:cauliflower
The above query helps to find web pages having the word “cauliflower”
in the title tag.
Allintext Operator
The allintext operator helps to fetch search results having
specific words in the main body of the web page leaving the image contents.
Syntax: allintext:backlink
The above query helps to find web pages having the word
“cauliflower” in the body.
Allinanchor Operator

The allintext operator helps to fetch search results having
specific words in the anchor text. This gives an idea about the website having
the highest number of anchor backlinks for a specific term.
Syntax: allinanchor:backlink
The above query helps to find web pages or rather websites having
the word “backlink” in their anchor text backlinks.
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