Tips To Improve On-Page SEO

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On-Page SEO is one of the most important parts of SEO. It helps you to get a good rank in search results and increase website traffic.

Optimizing a website’s On-Page SEO can give a boost to the rankings on search engines like Google and Bing. There are many On-Page SEO techniques an individual can apply to their website to achieve better results.

Today in this article, I am going to tell you how to do on-page SEO of any website or blog. So, let’s get started.

Here are some tips to improve On-Page SEO:

1- Improve Content Quality

“Content is King”- We all have heard this line that means the content is very important for any website. Writing quality unique and interesting content can improve the On-Page SEO of your blog. 

Not for SEO but the content is also important for your audience as posting low-quality content on your site can lead to lower visitors’ reading time and they will leave your blog. Also, Google doesn’t like low authority websites.

Related: What is Content Writing?

To make quality content, you can follow some tips:

  • Write long content (in-depth guides). Writing long posts can also improve your bounce rate and visitors stay on your site for a long. You can take an example of SEO Sandwitch’s blog post, the site contains long posts as shown in the image below.
  • Add images and videos to your content. Adding visuals can surely improve users’ interaction and behaviour with your content. You can add screenshots, videos, infographics, and also GIFs.
  • Create informative content.

2- Optimize Title and Description

Title and Description are the first things a user sees on search results. Here is an example:

Optimizing title and description can increase the CTR (Click Through Rate) and attract visitors to click on your website on SERP. But if your title does not attract visitors, then you will not be going to receive clicks on your content, no matter how good your content is!

Related: Headline Writing Tips For Beginners

Here are some optimization tips:

  • Try to include your keywords at the beginning of the title. For example, if your primary keyword is “Local SEO” then you should include it at the beginning of the title. Here is an example:
  • Write a catchy title and description.
  • Include numbers and years in the title. It helps you encourage the users to click on your website. For example, “list of guest posting sites”, then you should include numbers and year in your title. Here are some examples:

Related: Guest Posting Sites List

3- Optimize Website URLs

Optimizing website URLs means creating SEO-friendly URLs. Website URLs are an important aspect of SEO and need to be optimized to meet the needs of searchers and users. We should optimize URLs for both pages and posts.

To optimize URLs, you can follow below tips:

  • Do not use special characters, brackets, commas, symbols, in the URL.
  • Create short and readable URLs.
  • You should also add the main keyword to it.
  • Avoid including dates in the URLs.

For example, you are creating a post on “Best SEO Tools in 2021” then you should create a URL: 


The above URL is SEO friendly, short, and also includes the main keyword that is “SEO tools”.

Here is a bad version of the URL:


The above URL is not SEO friendly because it contains dates, numbers, and also it is a long URL.

Related: SEO Keyword Research Guide

4- Optimize Images

Adding images in your content helps users build interest and also increases time on site but images need to be optimized to help in SEO. For optimization, we can add an “ALT tag” to every image we use in our content.

Here is how an ALT tag code looks like:

Before uploading images, you should also resize and compress them as large image files can lead to slower website loading time that impacts the website SEO. 

Related: WordPress Plugins For Image Optimization

Here are some tools for image optimization:

5- Make Mobile Friendly Website

It is expected that 62% of users use mobile phones to access the Internet worldwide and also mobile devices are used for online transactions.

The above stat tells that more and more users are now using mobile phones to find information on the internet. That’s why having a mobile-friendly website is very essential for everyone to not lose visitors. If your site is not mobile-friendly, then Google will reduce your ranking and your site will not perform well for mobile search.

To check website mobile responsiveness, you can use Google’s “Mobile-Friendly Test” tool.

Simply enter your website URL in the search box and hit enter.

Now, you can see whether your website is mobile-friendly or not.

To make your mobile-friendly website, you can install a responsive theme on your site.

6- Improve Site Loading Speed

Google is using page speed as a ranking factor so make sure your website loads fast. If your site loads too slowly, you will lose rankings on search results. Also, as per the study, it is found that businesses can lose 7% conversions by a delay of 100-millisecond.

Related: Website Speed Test Tools

Loading speed is also important for users as visitors do not like to visit slow loading sites. With a delay of milliseconds in website loading, a business can lose lots of revenue.

To optimize website speed, here are some quick tips:

  • Use updated PHP on your site.
  • Choose a fast web hosting provider.
  • Optimize your images.
  • Minify JS and CSS files.
  • Remove unused files from the website.
  • Reduce server response time.
  • You can also enable browser caching.

There are several platforms or tools available on the internet that can optimize your website speed. Some of them are W3 Total Cache, Cloudflare CDN, and WP Rocket.

Related: Best Ways To Increase Site Speed

7- Use Proper Headings

Headings are very important for your website. Not only for SEO but they also help in providing good content structure. For example, H1 tags are used for the title, H2 for headings, and H3 for subheadings.

Headings also help users understand your content in a better way. For example, if you have a post whose length is 5000-6000 words but you have not used proper heading tags, then the reader will find it difficult to read the post.

For example, SEO Sandwitch’s guide to “Best Website Builders” contains over 7k words as shown in the image below.

Related: Best Website Builders

As you can imagine, without using headings and subheadings, this guide would be very difficult to understand for users. That’s why the author has uses multiple headings in the content as shown in the image below.

8- Use Internal Linking

When you link your old article to a new article, it is called interlinking and it has a high impact on website SEO. It has various benefits:

  • Increases page views.
  • Decrease bounce rate.
  • Improves PageRank.
  • Boosts indexing and crawling.
  • Pass link juice.

Having lots of broken links or 404 errors can negatively impact website SEO. Broken links affect both your site ranking and user experience. For example, a user is reading one of your blogs, clicks on a link, and lands on a 404 not found page then, this is not good in terms of user experience.

To fix broken links, you can add a redirection to your website. Redirection is the process of forwarding any current URL to a new or different URL. After finding a broken link, you need to redirect that webpage to a new and active webpage.

You can perform redirection by using a WordPress plugin called “Redirection”.

Here are some tools to find broken links:

Related: Will You Use A PBN To Build Links?

10- Add New Content

Posting new content can increase both your ranking and readers but content should be informative and useful because readers prefer to read those blogs which publish content and update content regularly.

Also, search engines like Google publish and update content regularly on the website. There are many benefits of content updation:

  • Helps generate traffic.
  • Helps beat your competitors.
  • Improves website authority.

Related: How To Find Duplicate Content?

11- Use LSI Keywords

LSI plays an important role in increasing website traffic. LSI keywords are the secondary or additional keywords to your primary keyword. Adding these keywords in your content helps you rank more than just one keyword.

Related: Best SEO Keyword Research Tools

Here are some of the best LSI keywords finding tools:

For example, type your primary keywords in LSI Graph and click on the “Generate” button.

Now, the tool will give you LSI keywords related to your main keyword as shown in the image below.

Benefits of using long-tail keywords:

  • Rank for more keywords.
  • You can rank well on search results.
  • It helps you generate more traffic.

12- Avoid Keywords Stuffing

Keyword stuffing creates a bad user experience for readers and also Google does not like it when it comes to rankings. So, it’s good to avoid doing keyword stuffing in your content.

Especially beginners who make this mistake and think using too many keywords in blog posts will drive more traffic to your blog, but it has the opposite effect that is Google penalty.

Similar to internal links, adding outbound or external links can also improve your website authority. Also, when you add outbound links to your content, it makes your content more informative for visitors and helps Google understand your page topic.

For example, below SEO Sandwitch is using an outbound link that the user gets the right information with the proper source.

When you link to external sites, you should consider the below things:

  • The site should be related to your content.
  • The site should have good domain authority and page authority.
  • The external site should not be spammed.


There are still many On-Page SEO optimization techniques but above are the top On-Page SEO tips that every webmaster should focus on to increase website ranking and traffic. But after implementing these tips on your website, you will not get results overnight as it takes time so be patient.

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