Mobile Seo Best Practices

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Mobile Seo Google
Mobile Seo Best Practices (Image source:- Digitalbus)
The world of Smart phones and other
Mobile devices are increasing at a rapid pace. The internet marketers and
webmasters must update their websites in order to satisfy the growing pool
of Mobile users. There are some effective Mobile Seo best practices which every
webmaster must

follow to get the best Mobile Seo
done for their website.

Mobile Audience must be served
Mobile users must be presented with
a mobile friendly version of the website. A mobile friendly version is
specifically created for Googlebot-mobile and helps in proper indexation
of your mobile friendly website. It helps the users to surf your website easily
on their mobile devices.
The speed of the site matters
Speed of the internet on Mobile
devices is still not very satisfying and people do not want to wait for
longer. Hence, to get your website good visibility, the speed becomes an important factor. Loading time of the website should be less so that
the information reaches people in no time. To make your site load faster
you need to:-
Use only text 
Dont use images (unless its extremly
necessary and its directly related to the query)

 Mobile users want instant results
Mobile users have little patience.
They want instant results and the content should be presented in such an area
where the users are instantly able to find the answers they are looking
for. You must not allow the user to wait or search for the answers to his/her
Mobile users are more into local
listings and local information
Most of the mobile users search for
local information on their mobile devices. Searching for local restaurants,
local places, local shopping hubs etc is the number one search criteria
for people. But slowly and gradually, people are searching for more common
words and phrases. 
Still, the focus should be on local
search. If your business is local then it should definitely be optimized for
mobile audience.
Prepare your site for
Prepare a mobile sitemap and help
Googlebot-Mobile find your website. 

Also See:-

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