How To Go Viral on Twitter?

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Going viral on Twitter is challenging, but not when you know the right tactics.

In today’s millennial age, where social media platforms like Instagram and Tik Tok are gaining popularity, businesses and individuals wonder whether it will turn the table in their favor if they market the offerings on Twitter. In order to establish the importance of marketing on the micro-blogging platform Twitter, experts say that over 82% of B2B content marketers leverage the power of Twitter in their content marketing strategies. 

The algorithms of Twitter keep on changing to provide an excellent user experience to all its users across the globe. Initially, making a tweet go viral depended on your luck, but today it comes with several tips you can follow to go viral on Twitter. 

With the ever-increasing popularity of the social platform Twitter, over 6,000 tweets are made per second, and about 500 million tweets can go viral daily. You must wonder what factors decide the virality of the tweets to another. In this article, we’ll understand various factors that might contribute to a tweet going viral. 

Let’s begin. 

Tips To Go Viral on Twitter 

Here are a few tips to help you make your tweets go viral on Twitter

1- Ask For Retweets

One of the most straightforward ways to make your tweet go viral is to ask for retweets. In exchange, you can offer your followers giveaway prizes like cash, NFTs, and clothing and ask for a retweet in return. Established brands and big companies often ask their followers for a retweet and, in exchange, offer them some tangible perks (soon-to-release products). 

2- Post a Thought-provoking Question

In order to make a tweet go viral, people focus on the critical and ignore the basics. Even asking the most straightforward questions on your Twitter handle can fetch you unexpected engagement. Ordinary people relate to a simple question that even they might have faced at least once in their life. Additionally, this tactic gives you the freedom to post realistic as well as fiction questions allowing your followers to either share their personal experiences or use their creative and innovative minds to come up with something fresh and funky. 

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3- Be Relatable 

Engaging with your followers is one of the baselines for going viral, which can be done when you create relatable tweets. In order to target the masses on Twitter, you have to focus on creating tweets that most people have experienced in their lives. Try and talk about their everyday challenges, how they overcome their fears, and how they cope with the differences in their daily lives. While creating the most relatable content, you should not forget to convey your brand values through your relatable content. One of the ways to be relatable is to share your personal experiences with particular brands and how your brand does not let you face the same problems. 

Including links in your tweets improves the chance of better CTRs (click-through rates) and conversions. Containing appealing CTAs (call-to-actions) in your tweets will compel the readers to click on the link. Additionally, people who find your tweet knowledgeable and friendly will be moved to share your link, resulting in additional retweets. Using links in your tweets will help you draw your followers’ attention to new releases or brand updates. 

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5- Win Hearts With Humor 

It wouldn’t be wrong to say that Twitter is more about being humorous, and we all equally enjoy the quirky humor brands use to market their offerings. Think of a funny personal incident you’ve encountered and crack a joke with your followers. Additionally, you can use your good sense of humor to twist a regular interaction into a hilarious tweet. Quirky brands usually infuse spirit in their brand bio and tweets, making them the town talk. If you struggle to come up with hilarious tweet ideas, you can think of a regular concept and try to infuse humor with wordplay.

6- Timing is Crucial 

If your tweet is excellently drafted and is perfect in every sense, and undoubtedly has the potential to get viral can also get lost in the Twitter space. Wondering why? Well, if you post your tweet at the wrong time, it can be the case. In order to post your tweet at the right time, you’ll have to determine when the target audience is on Twitter the most. However, the posting timings vary from one industry to another. But generally, the ideal time to post on Twitter is early in the morning on weekdays, around 8.00 am. 

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7- Follow an Already Viral Trend 

Sometimes you don’t have the time to come up with a fresh tweet that has the potential to go viral. In such cases, you must follow an already viral trend that will offer you a preset format, and all you need to do is to include your brand values and the objective of your tweet. The tweets already going viral involve some hilarious, sarcastic, or celebrity. All you need to do is leverage the power of memes, include your brand values, and get ready to be viral. 

8- Be Playful With Your Headlines

Twitter threads are becoming more popular, so do not bombard all the information in one tweet. Sometimes all it takes is an excellent headline that will take your entire thread on the viral ride. If you are following lines, try to write a catchy and compelling headline that will keep the interest of your followers intact in your threads. 

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9- Post Valuable Information 

Twitter is a competitive platform. Even for entertainment and humor, people are still seeking helpful information, which is why it is essential to include practical and valuable information in your tweets. The more your tweet content resonates with your target audience, the more they’ll share your content with their peers, allowing you to stand a better chance of going viral. For instance, if you are a copywriter, try building a thread that includes ten tips to enhance CTR and traffic to your site. People find this content highly valuable and will ultimately make the thread viral. 

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10- Limit Will Make You Limitless

Twitter is a micro-blogging site that has a character limit. It means you have to be more impactful with your tweets as they must incorporate all your brand values, details about your new launches, or the tweet’s purpose. Hire an experienced and talented copywriter to help you curate tweets that leave an impeccable impression on your readers with the tweets and intents brand recalls. 


Creating tweets that have the potential to go viral will take time, patience, and persistence. Once you get the hang of the latest trends and hot topics, you’ll be able to effortlessly build tweets that will go viral and help you go viral and fetch you some fantastic results.

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