How Google Stopped Bad Advertising Practices in 2014

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Counterfeiters, malicious software and scams- can they easily become a part of the adwords platform and cheat the people? Not really, Google has taken some great steps to stop bad advertising practices in 2014 and will continue to take it further in 2015.

What Google Fought in 2014?

In order to combat counterfeiters, Google banned 7,000 advertisers for promoting counterfeit goods, down from 14,000 in 2013 (and 82,000 in 2012). This shows counterfeiters are finding it hard to to circumvent the advanced enforcement systems.

In order to protect the safety and security of users, it stopped all ads pointing to sites where it found malware – whether it’s spyware, adware or other types of malicious software. Around 250,000 sites were removed.

It had collectively removed or rejected more than 2.5 million ads related to weight loss and dietary supplements over the past 18 months. 

What are Bad Ads?

Any ads that violate Google’s advertising policies are considered as bad ads. Google employs a smart systems both manual and automatic to stop detect bad ads. The ads are removed and many times the advertiser too gets banned. 

Here are some interesting stats in 2014, bad ads landscape:

  • More than 524 million bad ads disabled.
  • 86 languages employed in bad ad attempts.
  • More than 7 lac advertiser site disabled.
  • More than 2 lac 14 thousand bad advertisers banned.
  • More than 5K advertisers caught practicing fishing.

Here is an infographic that displays the bad ads scenario in 2014:

Google is taking some great measures to keep the end user safe from bad advertising practices. If you too think you can help Google detect fake advertisers then please leave your comments below. 

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