How Different Marketing Channels Affect Online Purchase Decisions? Check Yourself!

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Google offers a free tool to compare the different channels of digital marketing that helps to generate conversions. For business owners, the ultimate destination is a sale and Google Analytics offers excellent custom tagging options that helps such business owners to identify the channels that are generating the maximum revenue. 

But, what if we need to find out which channels offers the maximum conversion possibilities based on specific industry and country? This will require big data processing for which we might not have sufficient resources. Now, this problem of big data analysis is resolved with Google offering a free “Customer Journey to Online Purchase” tool that helps to understand the roles these channels play, so you can better plan which channels you will use when, increasing marketing performance.

How to Use This Tool?

1- Choose business size (Large, Medium or Small)
2- Choose Industry
3- Choose Country ( Currently data from US, UK, Australia, Brazil, Canada, France, Germany and Japan are supported)

This tool is really helpful in accessing how digital marketing channels influence a typical buyer before the sale. 
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