Googleplex- Experience Life at Google

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The corporate headquarters of the search engine giant, Google is known as Googleplex. It is located at 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway in Mountain View, California, USA.

Here is a video that will take you to a round at Googleplex.

Google- The best place to work?

Well, have a look at this video and all your questions would be solved. With amazing facilities for its employees, Google is undoubtedly the best place to work. 

Googleplex- Amazing Facts

1- To cut down grass and weeds at Google HQ, it rents goats to allow them to graze and cut the amount of extra grass that has grown.

2- The name ‘Googleplex’ has been taken from the word “Googol” which means number 1 followed by 100 zeroes. Google is a wrong spelled word. The owners mispelled the word googol as google and ultimately the world’s greatest search engine was born.

3- The workspaces in the Googleplex has been designed by Clive Wilkinson of Clive Wilkinson Architects.

4-  Google gives a college like atmosphere at the office.

5- Google offers swimming pool, gym, volleyball court, game rooms, pool tables, ping pong etc.

6- Google offers special bicycles to its employees to roam in the Googleplex. It promotes healthy environment. Employees can also take Electric scooters if they want.

7- Google offers breakfast, lunch and dinner free of cost. There are a number of dishes to choose from.

8- Google also offers laundry facilities available to employees on site.


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List of Google offices in India

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