Doorway Pages

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Doorway Pages are those pages which are specifically created to rank high on the search engines for some phrases with the sole intention of redirecting users to the main page. When a user visits a doorway page, he/she gets redirected to a different page either by clicking on some hyperlinks or by a meta refresh command. This technique is also a form of cloaking which means concealing something. These pages are created to get massive amounts of traffic to the main website with the help of search engines. Pages concentrated on a single keyword or a keyphrase generally ranks higher on search engines thus giving the main websites lost of traffic. Webmasters try to create hundreds of doorway pages just to redirect traffic to their central website. Some even create many pages focused on the same term to gain rankings for that particular keyword. But the search engines do not display more than two results from the same domain at a time (leaving some exceptions) so there is no use of doing this.

Other names of Doorway Pages

Bridge Pages
Entrance Pages
Gateway Pages
Jump Pages
Splash Pages


1- These pages do not provide any benefit to the users.
2- These pages are full of stuffed keywords and do not provide much information.
3- Search engines may penalize your website if they find that you are implementing lots of doorway pages.
4- These pages are at a risk of being removed from Google’s index.

Examples of Doorway Pages

These blogs provide valuable information on real world doorway pages, check them below:-

Doorway Page Generator

Seo view:- Doorway pages are created for spamdexing and therefore should not be promoted. Seo’s should not create pages focusing on single keyword only to redirect users to the main page, instead they should create information and content rich pages. Pages must always be created keeping the user in mind and not the search engines. Pages should have quality content. Each and every page on your site should serve a user purpose.

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