Content Analysis Tools for SEO’s – Give the Best Shot of Content for Getting Rankings!

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As I have said in the past that “Content is the God of Web” and having quality content is one of the prime criteria of getting good Google rankings. So, how can you get higher position in search engine result pages based on the content provided on your website?
Today, I am going to share some useful content analysis tools to make this mindful job of trick content writing easier for you.

Using English Text Statistics Tool

This tool will provide you with data regarding –
Word count
Number of unique words
Word Frequency Cloud
Number of Sentences
Lexical Density
Total Number of Average Words per sentence


This tool is useful for finding out the exact subject of a text. It provides comprehensive set of data which includes:-
Frequency of top words
Word Length
Syllable Count
Word phrases frequency etc.
This tool is excellent to find whether your main keywords tops the chart of frequency or not. But, make sure to have a look at the Tf-Idf score as well.

Code to Text Ratio Analyzer

This tools helps to analyze the code to text ratio of a web page. This information is used by the search engines to find out the relevancy of a web page. The higher the code to text ratio, the higher the chances of ranking. (Please note- There are several other ranking factors as well and having higher code to text ratio does not guarantees your chances of ranking but instead, it gives your site an extra point for ranking higher)

Keyword DensityAnalyzer Tool

This tool helps to find out the keyword density of the used words in the document.

Word Count Tool

The Word Count tool lets you count the number of words in your article. Unlike other word count tools, this tool also counts the number of sentences and paragraphs within the content.
Moreover, this tool also analyzes the Flesh Kincaid score and mesures the reading time of the article.
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