Campaign Groups in Google Ads Account

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Campaign groups make it easier for advertisers to group similar campaigns with shared objectives.

Multiple Google ads campaigns are run for higher conversions and higher ROI but the advertisers find it tough to access the data of these campaigns quickly. This is true in the case of almost every PPC ad network.

To solve this problem, Google released Campaign groups that allowed advertisers to group campaigns with similar targets and analyze the performance of most key campaigns in a single place that makes the task of advertisers easier.

What Are Campaign Groups?

Campaign groups are a set of campaigns that share a common KPI (Key Performance Indicator). You create a group for a set of campaigns that are targeting the same group of audiences having a specific set of the buyer persona. Moreover, the marketing objectives of each of the campaign running under the groups are the same.

How Does Campaign Groups Help Advertisers?

  • They help advertisers to forecast the performance of campaigns so that the advertisers can make sure that the advertising goals are achieved.
  • For instance, if you have multiple products and you set different budget goals by product type and make multiple campaigns for each, you can then bucket those campaigns together to easily track and forecast if your campaigns can achieve your advertising goals.
  • Different AdWords campaigns including Search, Display, Video, and Shopping Campaigns can be merged into one Campaign group.
  • After creating a group the advertisers can choose a performance target for that group such as conversion goals, total clicks, spend, average CPC, and average CPA. 
  • Advertisers have an option to edit these goals at any time. By setting optional performance targets you can set numerical goals for your Campaign group that keep you updated on performance progress.
  • A more specific goal can be set within these performance targets such as ROAS and it is witnessed that e-commerce clients get the maximum benefit from this feature.
  • Users can even designate a date range monthly, quarterly, and custom that includes a fixed date range.
  • Users can track the performance of their groups after these time periods have passed and can monitor the strategies that are working and
  • that are not able to meet advertising goals. Advertisers can even easily compare the performance across multiple groups.

How To Set Up Campaign Groups in Adwords?

Step 1: Sign in to your Google Ads account. You will see in the top left corner, an option of all Campaign Groups under the arrow next to all campaigns. You can choose to create a group from there. 

Step 2: After selecting this option you will have to name your new Campaign group. You have an option to choose the campaigns that you are willing to include and after that you need to set a performance target for them.

Step 3: You are provided with two options for targets. These two options are clicks such as Average CPC target and conversions such as Average CPA target and Average Spend target.

Step 4: After following the above steps you have to choose done. After setting up a group it is vital for advertisers to track its performance.

Step 5: You can see an option of performance targets in the left-hand navigation panel, you simply need to select that option to monitor the performance of your campaigns. Advertisers might not initially set a date range but advertisers have an option to edit the targets inline at any time. The charts displayed reflect the current stats for each of the targets and the probability of achieving your targeted goals.

If the advertisers feel that their campaigns won’t be able to reach the targets set by them, they can adjust the campaign settings to improve the performance of their campaigns.

Besides this you can also see the additional data for the campaigns that are included in your group.

Some Shortcomings of Campaign Groups

Campaign Groups provide numerous benefits to advertisers but it has some shortcomings that can’t be overlooked.

  • At a time each campaign can be included in one group only.
  • Campaigns that have shared budgets can’t be added to a campaign group.

It is noted that despite having shortcomings, it can still be considered a useful addition to the interface.

Final Thoughts

Campaigns Groups surely makes the lives of advertisers easier by allowing for high-level analysis. They definitely save the time and energy of advertisers.

Earlier, high-level analysis were done through filtering, labeling, and pivoting that was time-consuming but that’s not the case with groups. So, it won’t be wrong to say that this tool is the next frontier in digital marketing in the future.    

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