Another Google Core Search Algorithm Update

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June 16th saw a huge spike in terms of ranking changes and Google at last confirmed it that it was a core ranking algorithm change. It was not Panda, nor Penguin and not even related to any HTTPS change. This was a regular algorithm change and is one of the 100+ changes that Google makes every year to its core search algorithm.

This is what Google said to SEL:

“This is not a Panda update. As you know, we’re always making improvements to our search algorithms and the web is constantly evolving. We’re going to continue to work on improvements across the board.”

Many webmasters have experienced traffic changes on their websites during the period (June 16 – June 19th) and some of them are still experiencing it.

Did you noticed any changes in your website’s traffic? Please share with us in the comments below.

You can have a look at this English Google Webmaster Central office-hours hangout where John Mueller sheds some light that this update was not Panda:

Also See:

Google Algorithm Change History

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