5 Tips to Boost Lead Generation in 2018

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Changing consumer habits mean that what your clients and customers wanted five years ago is drastically different from their current expectations. As a result, marketers must tweak the way they sell services and products to match the way people are buying and shopping for goods.
For that reason, they try to develop effective lead generation campaigns that keep their sales pipeline full of prospects.
However, this is easier said than done as the leads need not only be high quantity but high quality as well. Thankfully, we’ve compiled a list of the most effective methods to boost lead generation in 2018:
1- Go Old School with a Text Messaging Campaign
Everyone has a cellphone, and many businesses use this fact to their advantage by sending text messages to establish or maintain connections with customers.
Now, you might consider SMS to be the “safe” approach, especially when you think about the new modes of communication available in 2018. But the truth is, SMS is alive and stronger than ever.
So, to join the bandwagon and launch a strong SMS marketing campaign:
Highlight Call to Action
Never underestimate the importance of CTA when it comes to a text messaging campaign. Try to make your messages as unique as possible – something that reels in the consumers instantly. Don’t forget to add your site link to the text message so customers can conveniently access your web page.

Keep It Simple

Always remember the limitations of text messages – 160 characters, text only. So, ensure it is simple but innovative. Include relevant keywords to improve the likelihood of customers opening your message.

Follow Up

After receiving the initial text from your subscriber, be sure to follow up. Thank them for their interest in your services/products and build up trust. Try using a text messaging platform that sends automated replies. For example, Text Request is a good choice as it features social media integration which will prove useful in 2018, and also adds live, two-way texting to your existing business number.
2– Harness the Power of Social Media Lead Generation
Did you know that social media apps take up one-fifth of a user’s digital minutes? Take advantage of this current trend to gain great leads for your business. Facebook and LinkedIn are two of the most significant social media platforms right now, and you can generate quality leads via your mobile gadgets:
A- Use LinkedIn Lead Gen Forms
LinkedIn lead generation forms enable users to acquire good leads from the social platform. Users submit a contact form auto-populated with information from their LinkedIn profiles. Upon doing so, you get a comprehensive lead record, containing the name of the person, company, location, contact details, etc. Use this ad to target users on the basis of their professional identity. Manage your leads via the LinkedIn dashboard.
B- Try Out Facebook Lead Ads
Generating leads from mobile advertisements has never been easier thanks to the Facebook leads ads tool. Not only does it build brand awareness, but it costs you less than regular advertisements since it decreases the price per led to less than half the normal spend. Users who click your ads on their Facebook pages can now submit pre-filled forms without typing any information manually. And once they do so, Facebook allows you to save the lead details in a downloadable CSV file. After that, it’s all a matter of downloading and uploading the information to your CRM.
C- Facebook Canvas
This ad lets you develop responsive landing pages for mobiles. Now, visitors can easily zoom in on your landing pages to view the CTA buttons, videos, and images clearly. Fast-loading and mobile-friendly, Facebook canvas improves engagement and conversions. No longer must you create new landing pages; simply copy the most converting landing page on your site to begin generating leads via mobile. To maximize the potential of this app, create an engaging story to capture the emotion of your audience.
3- Try Guest Blogging
Guest blogging can help you generate quality leads if you follow the right steps. First, become familiar with your goals. This will enable you to frame the right bio and develop trust with your prospective customers. Locate sites that accept content from guest authors. Also, figure out whether posting on those websites will help you meet your goals. Dima Midon from Trafficbox has shared his views on how any business can build new relationships and bring in more business by adopting the right guest posting strategies. In this post, he rightly suggests, “Guest posting allows you to tap into already-existing audiences that would otherwise not be aware of your products or services“.
Use a tool like Moz’s Open Site Explorer to determine the domain authority for your desired site. Find information on how well regarded the website is, and if it offers value in terms of traffic and links. Once you’ve determined the effectiveness of the website, establish a rapport with the owner so can pitch them your blogs.
Choosing a great topic can also help convince them. Once your pitch is accepted, begin writing the content. Provide an eye-catching headline and included relevant keyword phrases and links. Images can also help. Above all, make sure the post is formatted properly before submission.
Don’t forget to add a bio that links back to your own website and resources. Make sure you respond to any comments your post receives. Promote your content well so that it reaches more people and they follow it back to your website.
4- Create a Smooth Process for Prospects to Turn into Leads
The appearance of your site matters a lot when you’re trying to boost leads. For example, ensure that your content details are visible in big and bright fonts on your site. Don’t just add it to the footer, make sure you include it in other highly visible areas as well. Do not let it blend into the site design by using similar colors. High contrast colors are always a good idea.
Also, include numerous calls to action. Highlight the CTA buttons and make sure they are visible. Insert CTAs in each blog post. Include additional content on your site related to the subject of your guest posts. Once you exchange high quality content for a customer’s email address, start sending marketing automation emails that nurture the lead and allow them to travel forward via the buyer’s journey. This makes it easier for you to reach out to them once they become qualified.
5- Employ Chatbots to Boost Lead Generation
Gone are the days of live support. 2018 is the age of advanced AI chatbot marketing. Adding chatbots to your website enable you to understand the needs and interests of your visitors, and figure out ways to improve the product. Use platforms like MobileMonkey or Chatfuel to create your own chatbot but make sure you focus on customer support solutions. This will help you generate leads in the long run. Remember, the more focused your chatbot is, the better it can generate quality leads.
Concluding Remarks
2018 presents you with numerous opportunities to generate leads. But it is important to figure out what works for your business. The five methods mentioned above can help you capture customer interests and turn them into leads.

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