5 Google Analytics Metrics That You Aren’t Sure What They Mean

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Google Analytics is huge and playing with data is not always easy. There are certain metrics which can really be confusing. Let us discuss these metrics: 

1- Not Set Data

Not set data simply means that Analytics has not been able to associate any predefined metric for the selected dimension.  Several times, you must have seen this metric appear under channels in Aquisition tab. 

In Google’s words “(not set) is a placeholder name that Analytics uses when it hasn’t received any information for the dimension you have selected.”

Read more: https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/2820717?hl=en&ref_topic=2524483

2- Not Provided Keyword Data

Google moved to secured search recently and since then analytics displays the encypted keyword data under Not provided. This means, webmasters might not be able to see the actual keywords that are sending visits to the site. Keyword has the value (not provided) when SSL search is employed which is the default search of Google .

Read more: https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/1033173?hl=en

3- Bounce Rate and Exit Rate

Bounce rate is the percentage of visits that leave from the landing page itself. 

Exit rate is the percentage of visits that are associated to any web page that leads to user exits. In exit rate calculation, pages from where any user exits does not necessarily be the landing page.

Read more: https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/2525491?hl=en

4- Entrances and Visit

There is a difference between entrances and visit. 

Entrance happens when the visitor enters a particular page.

Visit happens when the visitor views a particular page. A visitor can view a particular page without entering on it directly. This happens with the help of page parameter.

Read more: https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/2956047?hl=en&ref_topic=2524483

5- Clicks and Visits

Clicks means how many times the user is clicking on the site displayed in the SERP.

Visits is equivalent to sessions. A session is of 30 minutes. Within the time frame of 30 minutes the same user clicking on the site listing several times would be counted as 1 visit.

As for example, any user visits the site 5 different times using 5 different keywords but within the time frame of 30 minutes then clicks would be counted as 5 and visits would be counted as 1 as only 1 session would be created.

Read more: https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/2992042?hl=en

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