5 Google Analytics Hacks You Wish You Had Known

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Every year, digital marketers are on the lookout for the latest secrets to tackle social media marketing to help grow their business. Google Analytics is one such tool that can change the way you track your goals. Many universities offers courses to become Master of Science in Analytics. Whether it’s understanding your customer’s shopping trends or attempting to calculate your return on investment (ROI), here are 5 ways, you can utilize GA services to provide an accurate image of your website. 

Hack #1. Utilize the Annotation Tool to Make Quick Notes

It’s important to make a note of useful information while browsing other websites. Having a messy desk with sticky notes isn’t exactly a reliable way to store data. The GA Annotation tool ensures you can quickly make a note of something and keep a track of it. Simply click on the related graph on GA and choose “Create a new annotation”, from here you can add as many notes as you please.

Hack #2. Customize Real-time alerts to Monitor Changes

Everyone likes to monitor a new project or website during the first few weeks. However, it becomes quite a chore to constantly keep up with the changes. To ensure that you are alerted on important events, simply locate “Custom Alerts” under ‘Personal Tools & Assets’ and instruct the tool as per your needs. You will begin to receive alerts through e-mail or messages. 

Hack #3. Add Useful Widgets to your Dashboard

The default GA dashboard interface comes with certain widgets that show metrics and analysis on key data points. All this information may be of little use to your business and you may like to add more crucial charts. By choosing ‘Add Widget’ you can choose the desired type of information that you would like to track and create a custom dashboard that is personalized to your taste. 

Hack #4. Exclude Tracking Yourself 

As website owners, we all visit our sites to ensure everything is working as it should. Although, it’s nice to debug and update our websites often, it can create a mess as far as tracking your analytics is concerned. To filter yourself from the incoming traffic, select Admin > All Filters > Add New Filter, input your IP address and any shared ones. Your analytics will now exclude you from your website’s traffic.

Hack #5. Understand your Audience & Their Choices

Knowing the geographical location of your best customers can enable you to target your products better. Google Analytics lets you see this information from the ‘Audience’ section’ of the tool. Various information such as most searched terms, session duration, bounce rate, etc. can be acquired by looking at the ‘Behaviour’ option on the menu bar and choosing the ‘Site Search’ from the drop down menu. 
While many people are aware of the power of Google Analytics, only a small percentage of them use it efficiently. The GA hacks above can help you make intelligent decisions to understand your social media analytics better. It will enable you to represent your business at a modern level of digital marketing. 

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