Google Reminds of Taking Action Against Sites that Sell PageRank

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Matt Cutts recently posted a reminder on Google Webmasters blog against websites that are adopting to practice of selling links that pass PageRank. Matt issued  strict warning to the webmasters who engage in the practice of buying and selling links that their site might lose rankings, lose trust and in extreme cases deindexation of sites may also happen.

How to Remain Safe?

You are the webmaster of your site, it is your responsibility to follow the guidelines of Google and never indulge in spammy activities of buying and selling links. Selling links might give you temporary profits but in the long run its going to adversely affect your website.

Have you received a message of unnatural links in your webmasters account?

If you have recently received a message of unnatural links pointing to other websites with the sole intention of passing PageRank then be cautious and take instant action. Make sure to make all the links to “no follow” and sent a reconsideration request to Google that you have taken sufficient action against the links and have added the rel no follow attribute to the unnatural OBL’s to stop the passing of PageRank. Make sure to follow the Google’s Webmaster guidelines.

Also See:- 

Why Paid Links are a Violation of Google Guidelines
How to Rank in Google
How to Design Seo Friendly Web Page
Links from Article Marketing Sites
Google Disavow Links Tool
Top Ways to Get Natural Backlinks
Link Baiting
Secret to Link Building
Google’s Take on SiteWide Backlinks