Create Free Facebook Cover Photos- 49+ websites listed!

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Create Facebook Cover Photo – 49+ Websites you can use for free!This one is for the Facebook geeks! After you have activated Timeline on your Facebook profile, you can make use of these 49+ websites to change your cover photo and give it a look of your choice. We all know, photo reflects our personalities so why not give a personality touch to your Facebook cover photo with the Flux Ai generator or any of the other website listed here?Activate Facebook Timeline before you can upload cover photo

Freedom to choose your own Free Facebook Cover Photos
(Image source:- Photos8)

To activate Facebook Timeline, visit :-

Login to your profile, click on get timeline and then click on publish it. You are done, now you can try out the numerous options available for changing your cover photo.

Now, start the magic!

After you have activated Timeline, its time to use the applications and free websites given below and get a customized and  different cover photo for your profile.

The list of 49+ websites(Applications) for creating a cover photo

2-  FBProfileCovers
3-  Facebookcovers4u
4-  Covermyfb
5-  Coverphotoz
6-  99coverphotos
7-  1coverphotos
8-  Hercovers
10- Myfbcoverphoto
11- Myfbcovers
12- Timelinecoverbanner
13- Coverphotodesign
14- Coverimages
15- Coverphotomagic
16- Coverphotofinder
17- Coverjunction
18- 99covers
19- Justbestcovers
20- Usethiscover
21- Profile-coverphotos
22- Coverphotos4fb
23- Firstcovers
24- FacebookcoverphotosPinterest
25- Pizap
26- Celerity Cover Photos
27- Timelinecovershelp
28- Fbphotomaker
29- Timelinecollage
30- Thesitecanvas
31- Covertimeline
32- Awesomecoverphoto
33- Image chef
34- Digital Blasphemy
35- Freefacebookcoverimages
36- Coverphotoed
37- Coolfbcoverpics
38- Freecoverdesign
39- Pagerage
40- Trickedouttimeline
41- Coverize Me
42- Disney Facebook Cover Photos
43- Sweet and lovely FB Cover Photos
44- Nickchill blog
45- Adventurelings
46- Cooltimelinephotos
47- Cover photos from Eurovision
48- Flower Cover Photo
49- Superfbcovers
50- Coverphotosite
51- Freecoverart

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  1. kelvin catungal September 11, 2012
  2. Anonymous December 15, 2012
  3. vimalrick January 28, 2013