40+ Best ChatGPT SEO Prompts For Beginners

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ChatGPT SEO prompts help you save time when doing redundant tasks.

You can use different ChatGPT SEO prompts to generate keyword ideas, perform technical audits, create meta tags, find guest blogging sites, or get help with content writing.

Nature’s survey revealed that around 80% of people use ChatGPT for professional tasks.

ChatGPT is a constructive language enhanced for conversational chat. It is a tool developed by Open AI that creates human-like text based on the inputs, known as prompts. 

ChatGPT is an AI developed using a model called GPT, which stands for “Generative Pre-trained Transformer.” Its training involved a technique known as Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF). 

Let us understand the various SEO prompts for ChatGPT that search engine optimizers can use to maximize their work efficiency.

Unique ChatGPT SEO Prompts

Here are the most unique ChatGPT prompts for SEO professionals:

ChatGPT Prompts for Keyword Research

Keyword research is the process of finding and analyzing search terms that audiences type into search engines like Google. 

Prompt 1: Generate a List of Seed Keywords

Seed keyword refers to a short-tailed, one- or two-word keyword with high search volume. 


Give me 20 conceptual, relevant, and unique seed keywords under the “health and wellness” category. 

Give me the result in tabular format.

Prompt 2: Find Long-Tail Keywords

Long-tail keywords are generally less competitive than seed keywords. These keywords are longer and more specific phrases, allowing you to target domain demographics.


List down 15 long-tailed keywords using “sleep hygiene” as the seed keyword that readers might use when they look for hygiene-related articles.

Prompt 3: Keyword Clustering

Keyword clustering with ChatGPT can save you a lot of time and provide you with a strategy for closely related queries.


Group the following keywords into clusters based on the topic.


Give me the result in tabular form.

Prompt 4: Classify Audience Search Intent

Creating the type of content which matches your target audience’s search intent is essential to boost your ranking. You can save your time and let ChatGPT do research about the viewer’s search intent.


Classify the search intent of the keyword listed below in a tabular form.

[Provide a list of keywords]

There are also other prompts that can be used for the same purpose:

  • Organize the listed keywords based on their search intent in a tabular form.

[List the keywords]

  • Allocate the list of all possible search intent for a website dealing in sustainability.

Prompt 5: Extract Keywords From a Content

ChatGPT can help you to extract keywords from specific content or your competitors’ content. 

With this prompt, you can use the keywords derived from your competitors’ content to rank higher in search engines. 


Identify keywords from the content provided below:

[competitor’s content]

Prompt 6: Generating Keywords Ideas Based on the Alphabetical Soup Method

The Alphabetical Soup method involves the use of Google’s predictive search feature to find long tailed keywords relevant to your domain.

You can get help from ChatGPT by using this prompt.


Using the Alphabetical Soup Method, create long-tail keyword ideas related to organic coffee. Give suggestions for each letter of the alphabet.

Prompt 7: Generate Keyword Ideas Based on User Personas

With the help of ChatGPT, you can get keyword ideas based on the personas of your target audience to make your organic visibility more profitable.


List ten keywords each for different types of user personas for the topic “health and nutrition.”

ChatGPT Prompts for On-Page SEO

On-page SEO is a process in which you need to optimize URLs, headers, CTA placement, and other aspects of your website. 

Prompt 8: schema markup

Schema markup can help your website to enhance search engine visibility by helping search engines to understand your content better. By using this prompt, you can understand step-by-step how to add schema markup to your website.


Give me a step by step guide on How can I implement schema markup on my website [website link].

Prompt 9: Add Internal Links

Internal links are any links from one page of your website to another page on your website. The links allow search engines to crawl your page effectively. 


Where should I place internal links in my article to maximize the impact in the article [insert content]

Prompt 10: URL Structure Analysis

URL structure analysis helps you audit your existing URL or generate an SEO-friendly URL. You can ask ChatGPT to suggest a user-friendly URL structure or audit your existing URL to locate SEO issues.

Prompt for URL structure analysis:

Analyze the URL structure of [website].

Prompt for generating URL:

Generate the best SEO-friendly URL for an article about “Best ChatGPT SEO Prompts.”

Prompt 11: Header Tags Optimization

Header tags refer to the HTML that classifies headings and subheadings in any content. SEO-optimized header tags are important as they allow search engines to understand a page’s topics and structure.


I am writing an article about “Everything you need to know about SEO.” How do I structure my header tags for SEO?

Prompt 12: CTA Placement

CTA (Call to Action) indirectly affects SEO by influencing user behavior metrics such as dwell time, bounce rate, and conversion rate. 


I am working on an article “The impact of AI on employment”. Where should I strategically place the CTA to maximize the sign ups?

ChatGPT Prompts for off Page SEO

Off page SEO are the strategies used outside of a website to improve its search ranking for instance link building, local SEO, page speed, mobile friendly website, and finding broken links.

Prompt 13: Link building 

Link building is the process of getting other website’s links to your website. It is considered as the most powerful tool to increase your search engine ranking. 


Help me identify websites in [your niche] and list all the websites that could be potential link partners?

Prompt 14: Improve Local SEO

ChatGPT can be used to increase local business listings by creating location-specific content and descriptions.


I have a small clothing business in [a specific location]. Write a local specific content and description for my website [website link] to improve visibility and ranking.

Prompt 15: Improve Page Speed

Page speed is the time taken by a web page to load and display all of its content. It plays a crucial role in improving user experience and increasing conversions. 


How can I improve the speed of my page?

[Website link]

Prompt 16: Make Website Mobile Friendly

A mobile friendly website can result in improved user experience, conversion rate, mobile SEO, and enhance Google ranking.


How can I make my site [website link] mobile-friendly?

Prompt 17: Find Broken Links

Broken links are web pages that can not be accessed by the users for many reasons like URL mistypes, changed URLs, or restricted pages. 


How can I avert broken links on my website?

[provide website link]

ChatGPT Prompts for Content Optimization

Content optimization is a way to boost your ranking and offer a strategic advantage over your competitors. 

Prompt 18: Title Tag Optimization

Title tag optimization can be done with the help of ChatGPT by asking ChatGPT to suggest title tag ideas for your target landing pages. 

You can share your primary keyword and ChatGPT will suggest title ideas based on your seed keyword. You can ask for a number of title suggestions and choose the best from them.  


My article is “How Startups are Disrupting Traditional Industries.”

Suggest a few revised and SEO-friendly title tags relevant to the topic.

Prompt 19: Implementing LSI Keyword

Latent semantic index (LSI) keywords are words affiliated with the primary keywords. The primary motive for using them in your content is to increase relevancy. ChatGPT does this by expanding the keyword variation.


I have written an article on the topic “The Importance of Corporate Social Responsibility in Business” with primary keyword SEO.

Suggest me 15 LSI (Latent semantic index) keywords to integrate naturally in my content to make it comprehensive and SEO friendly.

Prompt 20: NLP Friendly Writing

NLP is the branch of AI that makes computers understand and interpret human language so as to interact with it. You can ask ChatGPT to make your content NLP friendly to improve your accuracy and enhance SEO. 


Rewrite the following article in a NLP friendly way:


ChatGPT Prompts for Technical SEO

Technical SEO work can also be done with the help of ChatGPT, which provides a step-by-step guide.

Prompt 21: Robots.txt Files

Robots.txt Files contains instructions for crawlers on which part of the websites they should and should not be crawled. This is used to keep away from overloading your web website online with requests. 


Create a robots.txt file to block search engines from indexing URLs with query parameters like ?session_id= and ?ref= to avoid duplicate content issues. Include a Disallow directive for these patterns and specify the sitemap.xml location.

Prompt 22: Create XML Sitemap

An XML sitemap is a file containing all your website’s URLs. It is used to improve crawling efficiency, manage large websites, and integrate with webmaster tools. 


Create a well-structured XML sitemap to improve the crawling efficiency of the website 


ChatGPT Prompts for SEO Blog Writing

ChatGPT can help you to take inspiration in the context of content creation. 

Prompt 23: Topic Ideas

ChatGPT can save your time spent on digging through keyword research tools. It can craft topics for you SEO topics with relevant keywords. 

Include targeted keywords in your prompt and let its algorithm find the most read topics.


Suggest five potential SEO topics for my food blog article. 

Target keywords: seasonal, authentic, delicious

Prompt 24: Introduction Creation

Introduction creation involves crafting the opening section of a document, article, or presentation.

You can ask ChatGPT to create an introduction for you by providing the title of your content. 


I am working on a blog post titled ‘The Evolution of Gender Roles in the 21st Century’.

Create an engaging and SEO-friendly introduction using the keyword ‘Innovation of gender roles in 21st century’. 

Keep the introduction concise and not more than 150 words.

Prompt 25: Creating Outline

Creating an outline involves structuring the main ideas before you begin the actual writing or implementation.

ChatGPT can help you create outlines and provide the headings and subheadings to cover your keywords.


Create an SEO-friendly outline for the blog topic: “Trends in E-commerce: What’s Next for Online Retail?”

Prompt 26: Content Expansion

You can ask ChatGPT to act as an expert and give you personalized ideas to expand your content.

You can also insert links to top-performing blogs on ChatGPT to improve your article.


Act as an expert content writer in a technology niche.

Write an article of 1500 words on “How Blockchain is Revolutionizing Supply Chain Management.” Follow the following outline and elaborate on each subheading.

[insert the outlines and the link to top-performing articles on the topic].

Prompt 27: Find the Popular Subtopics Related to Your Subtopic

You can find out the most popular subtopics related to your subtopic with the help of ChatGPT.  It can help you create more targeted, engaging, and valuable content to boost your SEO and enhance user engagement. 


Give me the ten most popular sub-topics related to link building.

Prompt 28: Readability simplify

Readability ensures a wide range of users understand the provided information without any difficulty. 

A great way to improve your content is by optimizing it with the help of ChatGPT for both users and search engines. It helps you to find “hard to read” sentences, simplify words, and rewrite sentences for clarity. 


The draft is written for people looking for sustainability. Simplify and adjust readability according to the target audience.

[insert the draft of your article]

Prompt 29: Analyze Customer Reviews to Write Content

AI can analyze customers’ reviews of your content or your competitors’ content and summarize what customers value. It can also help you to create “versus” pages by identifying your competitor’s weaknesses.


Conduct an analysis of customer reviews for (project attached). Highlight the points that customers like and dislike and how they can be fixed. 

[provide the link to your project]

ChatGPT Prompts for Competitive Analysis

ChatGPT simplifies the competitive analysis by providing an understanding of industry trends, competitor strategies, and customer sentiments. 

Prompt 30: Content Gap Analysis

Content Gap Analysis helps find missing or underperforming content on the website.

ChatGPT helps you to analyze the content gap and create content that fills these gaps to rank on top of Google.


“My blog [insert blog link] focuses on sustainable fashion. Conduct a content gap analysis between my blog and [insert competitor website link] to identify key topics they’ve covered that I have yet to explore.”

Prompt 31: Competitor Keyword Identification

Understanding what your competitors write and rank for is the key to improvement. 

ChatGPT can analyze your competitor’s blog page, it will let you know the keywords used, meta information, and vulnerabilities of your competitor.


I am writing an article on [article topic]. My competitor ranks higher than me for most niche-specific keywords. 

Generate a list of keywords where [competitor’s website name] is outranking me [your website’s link]. Also, list their vulnerabilities so I can exploit them. 

[competitor’s website link]

Prompt 32: Analyze Your Competitor’s Backlinks

You can analyze your competitor’s backlinks with the help of ChatGPT that can help you in identifying gaps and new opportunities for your backlink building.


Analyze my competitors’ backlinks, and what tools should I use to find where they are getting links from?

ChatGPT Prompt for SEO Copywriting

Copywriting is the act of writing an advertisement or publicity material. They create content for different types of media, including:

  • Brochures
  • Catalogs
  • Magazines
  • Sales letters
  • Taglines
  • White papers
  • Social media posts

Prompt 33:

As a web content manager, create a SEO friendly script for a YouTube video ad displaying the cozy cat beds. Underline how these beds provide warmth, security, and a perfect spot for napping, spotlighting the peace of mind they offer to cat owners knowing their furry friends are comfortable.

ChatGPT Prompts for SEO Content Proofreading

You can ensure your content is accurate, clean, and error-free with the help of ChatGPT.

Prompt 34:

Proofread the provided content and remove all grammatical mistakes, typos, and errors. Also, revise the content for SEO optimization.
[enter your content]

ChatGPT Prompt for Encouraging Consumers To Purchase

With the help of ChatGPT, you can craft paragraphs that can encourage consumers to buy your product by including CTAs.

Prompt 35:

Generate five short paragraph CTAs for the target audience of my fashion article.

The CTAs should be of at least 60 words each.

Other ChatGPT Prompts for SEO

Prompt 36: Identify Websites for Guest Post Outreach

ChatGPT can help you identify websites for guest posts in your industry. 


I deal in providing digital marketing services. 

Find 15 websites for me to help in guest posting and categorize them accordingly.

Prompt 37: Create Regular Expression (Regex) Patterns

Regular expression (Regex) is a sequence of characters forming a search pattern. It is useful in data extraction, validation, and search and replace.


Give me the regular expressions to show matches containing any of the following keywords in it: ‘Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)’,’Sustainability’, ‘Ethical Business Practices’, ‘Community Engagement.’

Prompt 38: Generate HTML Code

The computer markup language HTML is generally used to create and design web pages.

ChatGPT can generate HTML code to help create links, structure web pages, define layouts, and improve accessibility.


Can you provide the HTML code for a simple personal portfolio webpage? It should include a header with my name and a navigation menu, a main section with an ‘About Me’ section, a ‘Projects’ section, and a footer with contact information. Please also include basic styling for layout and colors.”

Prompt 39: Automate Meta Description Writing 

The meta description refers to the short summaries of the web page that appear in the SERPs. They offer users and search engines a summary of the content to improve click rates.

You can use ChatGPT to generate meta descriptions by providing keywords, topics, and length.


Generate a unique meta description of a maximum of 200 characters for a blog on the keyword phrase “minimalism and maximalism.”

Prompt 40: Write Meta Tags

Meta tags are HTML components that provide search engines with details about the webpage. It includes title, description, author, and keywords.

ChatGPT can produce meta tags for your chosen keywords, which will increase your click-through rates and visibility. 


Write five title tags for the keyword “personalized marketing” based on the practices below: 

  • Unique title tag for each page 
  • Brief but descriptive 
  • Title tags should be click-worthy 
  • Match search intent 
  • Include targeted keywords where it is possible 
  • It should be 70 characters

Prompt 41: Statistics and FAQs

A good strategy is focused on EEAT, so it is necessary to keep the human element in mind. ChatGPT can be used in various ways to improve your content:

  • Relevant stats and examples
  • Write FAQ common questions

It is important to double-check the stats and examples you can get from ChatGPT.


Provide stats, examples, and FAQ questions to add to my “Food blog” to increase audience engagement. 

Prompt 42: Google Ads

Pay-per-click (PPC) and SEO are considered opposites when in reality PPC boosts SEO performance. Driving traffic to a website results in higher engagement and improved search rankings. 

Here is an effective ChatGPT prompt to help you generate an SEO-friendly Google ad for your project.


As a Google Ads expert, write an engaging Google Ad to promote a new meal kit service. Include the following keywords: healthy recipes, quick meals, meal kit delivery, and family dinners. The ad should have a compelling headline and description.

Prompt 43: Add External Links

Authoritative links increase your SEO and provide readers an additional context in support of your content. This prompt will help you accelerate the process of identifying where the external links should be used.


Add at least 4 authoritative and relevant external links in the content provided. Naturally, adjust the links and make changes wherever necessary, but do not change much. 

[insert your content]

Prompt 44: Exclude all the weird AI hyperbolas 

ChatGPT generates the results of your prompts by adding excessive hyperbolas. Use this prompt to make sure that all the hyperbolas are removed and the content is in its simplest form.


Exclude all the weird hyperbolas from the content if you find any.

[insert the text or content you want to analyze]


Including ChatGPT in your strategy, SEO experts can effectively generate relevant keywords, strengthen on-page elements, and create high-quality content.

Merging ChatGPT with your SEO toolkit not only simplifies your workflow but also equips you to create engaging and optimized content.

Combining AI and other solutions with human expertise can provide better and enhanced results. 

ChatGPT can assist you in any possible work related to your niche; it’s just that you have to give the right prompt for the most accurate results. 

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